learnings from a movie, the movie being sliding doors...
how much difference can a moment make to your life, same goes for a decision but that is something you do, but what about things you don't have any control on, being at the right place at the right time, saying the right thing, getting into the right accident, seeing or hearing the right things, things which happen by change and over which you have no control. life changing things happen, the roads taken is totally different, but the question is do the different roads always converge at some point? as per the movie, and as per my firm belief they do, always, u might be taking a longer route or maybe a shorter one, but you always reach where you want to be, supposed to be, no want to be. don't know, confused.
may be want to be, if the want makes you hungry enough, because then your direct your life, even if you are on the wrong path, you still keep on going in the direction and ultimately you get to the same road that you initially were on, or maybe, if as lucky as i have never been, u reach the destination.
its basic georgrapy, if you ask me, if i am every lost, which in india is quite often, i just start going in the direction which would lead me to the road that i know, and i do reach there, sometime short of my destination, sometimes further up which means a U turn, and wasted time, but at least i am there. at least i know where i am and can find my way to where i want to be. of course you should know where you want to be and you should also have a keen sense of direction. i thankfully do, the latter part of it really.
hmm...so that was one.
the other is why in the world don't girls realize they are with the wrong guy, even when it is glaringly evident, even when they know it in the core of their heart. why do they still keep on pretending that everything is rosy, that everything will work out, that the asshole of a guy will change. doesn't happen women...guys don't change, they simply pretend, but they are not intelligent enough to change, they are bulls and will stay so. what will get this into your heads.
stop looking for security and take the decision.
and a third, british comedies are so much better then american, don't know why, but i like british, european in general far more then american, american is more slapstick, hardly intelligent, if intelligent its mostly a gross form of intelligence. the only intelligent american comedy i have seen is frazer, everything else has been crap. not that it doesn't make me laugh, but not something i remember, jokes are not witty, but more of the kind which give birth to phrases and names. british is heart warming, same with songs really. i when in mood, would always prefer hindi songs to english (read american) songs, they seem to have a soul which the latter lacks. same with adverts. well american adverts are pathetic, the biggest marketing market in the world, and i am surprised at the lack of creativity. not ideas, they know how to market stuff, most of the advert or marketing concepts were born in the americas, but when it comes to actually implementing it from a creative perspective, they totally lack it...
well a whole lot of america bashing, but really i appreciate them for what they do good.
what else, ah yes, the movie, sliding doors, gywneth paltrow, james hannah, and jeanne triplehorn (all from memory). nice movie, heart warming, creative, very frank, and a different way of telling the same story. watch it.
its quite funny, am watching sliding doors on zee mgm, which somehow, gives subtitles for every movie, and when she says 'bollocks' it says in the subtitle 'forget him'. and its with many british words, daft for one.
ReplyDeleteand by the way, does this happen to you, when u have subtitles u almost always read them instead of actually hearing the dialogues and looking at the picture. i just realised i end up reading the subtitles and actually not looking at the picture, just the bottom part of the screen...
stupid me...does it happen to you to, come on make me feel less stupid by telling me that i am actually part of a stupid community!!!